become a member

Elevate your business by joining our network of professionals dedicated to excellence.

Increase your online exposure by adding your business to our high search ranking vendor list. Connect with other local vendors that share your passion for excellence and expand your referral network. Join us for special events and unique promotional opportunities.

Apply For Membership

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HCEP members receive exclusive benefits

Bi-monthly in person meetings for networking and showcasing your business to other vendor members

Marketing of your business via our website and social media

Access to a members-only Facebook group for sharing questions, concerns and ideas with other professionals

Discount on your Married in the Mountains Showcase Registration

Inclusion of your business in a list of HCEP members in the Married in the Mountains magazine

become a member


Single service provider, one category listing on the HCEP website.


Per additional category on the HCEP website (Contact us with any questions)


Per additional (and separate) business or service listing (Contact us with any questions)

You have what it takes to join our network? Here’s how to make it happen:

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Fill out our Membership Application form.

The High Country Event Professionals board will contact you as soon as we have reviewed your application.

Apply Today

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Pay the Membership Fee.

Upon approval, you will be emailed a link for payment via PayPal.

Make it official!

Once payment is received your vendor listing(s) will be added to the website. Show off your membership and add your HCEP member badge to your own site.

Members must reside in one of the following NC or TN counties: Alleghany NC, Ashe NC, Avery NC, Caldwell NC, Carter TN, Johnson TN, Mitchell NC, Watauga NC, or Wilkes NC. Meeting attendance: 4 meetings per year (assuming semi-monthly meetings). At least Two Professional References and one Client Reference. Agree to follow all provisions of the High Country Event Professionals Code of Ethics. Stay current with membership dues (due by January 31st annually). Listings removed from our website due to late payment will be charged a $25 re-listing fee.

 Vendors - Do you have questions about becoming a member? Get in touch using the form below.

To couples & their families looking for vendors for the wedding, please contact each vendor directly to find out availability, services, and pricing.